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  1. Award Title: Get-It-Straight Orthodontics Scholarship Award
    Purpose or Goal of the Award: this scholarship will be awarded to any patient who donates their time in any area of community service.
  2. Types of schools that qualify for Scholarship:
    • Four Year College or University
    • Community college
    • Technical/Trade/Apprenticeship
    • Vocational
  3. Criteria for Award:
    • Available to any graduating senior who does not attend one of the following schools: Fairport, McQuaid, Mercy, Aquinas, West Irondequoit, Palmyra, Macedon, Penfield, Victor, Gananda, Pittsford Sutherland, Pittsford Mendon, Hilton.
    • Student must be a current or previous patient of Get-It-Straight Orthodontics, who underwent orthodontic treatment (braces with maintenance retainers) in the Pittsford, Palmyra, Greece or Gananda location.
    • Student must have a history of community service, in any area that was of benefit to others, or a contribution to society. Submit a 300 word essay on your contributions in community service and how it has impacted your life. Attach essay to your application form.
    • Include name, address, phone number, and email address on essay submitted for consideration.
    • Supply names and phone numbers of an advisor who worked with you during your community service
    • Submit application to Pittsford office or email to no later than June 21, 2024.
  4. Individual Award Amount: One Time Award of $500.00
    • Scholarship will be awarded to two recipients per year. This scholarship will be awarded every year until further notice.
  5. Scholarship will be awarded to candidate who most contributed to our community*

Applicant Data

School Data

Orthodontic Treatment Data


To learn more about what makes Get It Straight Orthodontics in Rochester NY a smart choice, or to take advantage of our free initial consultation offer (a $249 value), get in touch with any of our three Rochester area locations today. Or call us at 585-248-5100 and we’ll be happy to help.

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